2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants for lockdown-impacted businesses in Queensland

Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick has announced a grant of $5,000 (excluding GST) may be granted to small and medium businesses across Queensland (Turnover of more than $75,000 per annum and an annual payroll in Queensland of up to $10 million).  Grants are also available for large businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector operating in the 11 local government areas in the lockdown.

The Grant aims to provide support to employing small and medium businesses across Queensland impacted by the South East Queensland lockdown that commenced on 31 July 2021, to assist with business expenses and to help adapt to evolving circumstances.

Applications will open mid-August for financial support through the 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants.

Your business does not have to be located in South East Queensland, but you must have experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover as a result of the lockdown.

Grants are also available for large businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector operating in the 11 local government areas in lockdown, subject to meeting eligibility criteria.

Click here to read more information and to find out how to apply.

COVID-19 Disaster Payment – Queensland

This is a lump-sum payment for people who lost work and income due to a Queensland COVID-19 public health order.

The type of payment you may be able to get depends on if you get an eligible Centrelink payment or not.

Who can get it ?

You must meet all eligibility rules to get the COVID-19 Disaster Payment – Queensland.

You can get it even if you were eligible on only one day during the payment period.

If you’re a member of a couple, you can both claim this payment. You and your partner will need to make separate claims.

To get the payment, you need to meet all eligibility rules that apply.  This includes all of these rules:

    • you’re an Australian resident or hold a visa that gives you the right to work in Australia.
    • you’re 17 years or older.
    • you didn’t get an income support payment or ABSTUDY Living Allowance during the payment period.
    • you didn’t get the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment, a state or territory pandemic payment or a state small business payment for the same period.
    • you lost income and didn’t have any appropriate paid leave entitlements.
    • you lived in, worked from or visited a Commonwealth-declared COVID-19 hotspot that is subject to a state restricted movement order.
    • you have been unable to earn your usual income of 8 hours or more, or a full day’s work because you were in the COVID-19 hotspot and were subject to restricted movement.

There are 2 relevant periods you can apply for:

  • 1 August to 7 August 2021
  • 8 August 2021.

Click here for more details.

Our team of trusted Advisors are here to help, if you have any questions or need assistance in relation to the above please feel free to contact our office.